signals are the fundamental group of frequencies in an analog
or digital waveform that may be transmitted
along a pathway or processed by an electronic circuit. Baseband signals
can be composed of a single frequency
or group of frequencies or in the digital domain composed of a data stream
sent over an unmultiplexed channel. Examples of an analog baseband signal
may be audio or composite video. Examples of a digital baseband signal
may be Ethernet signals operating over a Local Area Network (LAN).
of a baseband nature often are modulated, or multiplexed, with other signals
to form a composite signal. Sometimes, as in for example FM analog broadcasting,
left and right channel audio signals are mixed to form a single channel
(L+R) which is then modulated on the radio carrier but still considered
the baseband of the composite FM signal. These same two channels are also
subtracted (L-R) to form a difference channel which is modulated onto
a subcarrier to minimize interference with the baseband. This modulated
L-R or difference signal is considered a sideband. It may appear to be
a conflicting definition, since sometimes a baseband signal is in itself
a mixed signal. In reality, baseband is a term the meaning of which depends
somewhat on the context of the statement. Another way of saying this is
that mixing a baseband signal with a carrier signal normally results in
a modulated signal which may or may not still be considered baseband,
and that depends on what else is happening in the transmission envelope.
