you have the right stuff, but it is not connected up right or it is misconfigured
chances are it will never deliver the performance you envisioned. It is
not unusual for a perfectly good design to fail to operate correctly,
initially. Software misconfiguration rivals hardware misconnection for
most likely to prevent you from reaching your goal. If your system is
just not doing what it's supposed to, it may not be a design flaw. Sometimes
someone from the outside can be your best choice to evaluate the process
and shake out the bugs. Depending on your needs, Multimedia Engineering
can fully evaluate and analyze your
system or project, and make the necessary recommendations and help you
implement the corrections.
Our recommendations
are not driven by equipment margins since we are not a reseller. Our analysis
is not tainted by corporate politics or industry pressure since we are
a small independent firm, composed primarily of one principal
engineer with a lot of experience. If you need to hire a big name to satisfy
your boss, you've landed at the wrong spot on the internet. If you need
to get the job done right the first time, or get the job that was botched
up by the guy that got fired before they hired you fixed, give
us a call.